Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bloody nose, princess and the pea, and how I miss my Jameson!!

To explain this better, Karson fell down the last two stairs yesterday and pretty much all that he got was a rug burn on his nose. Well today he was jumping on the trampoline with all the other kids and he fell and busted, all we saw when we looked out was BLOOD so I freaked out a little!! When they came in this was the picture I got, it made him more mad because I took the picture but the only reason there was so much blood was because he knocked off the scab of the previous accident. POOR BABY!! And the rest of the pictures will be off Miss Princess Karlea and the Pea, other wise known as Jameson!!

I already miss him and they haven't been gone an hour! Good thing, Shel and Jameson are spending the weekend with us since Josh and the other two are going snow skiing!!

1 comment:

Mama SeWELL said...

Poor guy! Thankfully we havent had any bad booboo's ...yet! I love her red bow, shes all festive! My step-daughter was always a big tomboy so I never got to do the girly thing. There's still hope though!