I know it's been a while AGAIN since I have blogged, just seems like when I put all the pics on my FB I think I don't need to blog but know some people don't like FB and like just gettin on here to see what we have been up to and look at pics so I will do my best to at least update once or twice a week even if it's just to say what we are up to.

This was superbowl sunday....Miss cutie Hadyn and myself!

I watched Shel's boys one saturday night bcuz they had a charity dinner to go to.

The Princess with her Valentine P.J.'s on and her heart head band on Valentines night!

Karson boyyyy!!

daddy being goofy!

My K Man!

opening up Valentine's presents from mommy and daddy....


Valentines Gifts for the kids!

Karlea in her Valentines outfit!

the details on her pants....LOVE IT!

one of daddy's V-day gifts from me!

one of my v-day gifts from Shel!

each of the kids stuffed animals!!

Karson and his most favorite thing in the world!!

Jess and I!

Karlea girl!!

the great Blizzard of 2010 in the DFW area...lol....it was most def. a blizzard to us Texas people, over 12 inches of snow....and all time record everrrrrrrrrrr!!

Mr. Harmon